Getting to know your patient

Elective Unit

Core Information

Your examination process in the Initial Consultation must always be focused on the patient and their experience to achieve a clear understanding of their condition and the significant emotional motivator that will enable them to start the treatment journey with you.
Obtaining crucial patient details can be one of the big roadblocks in an efficient patient journey for any practitioner. There’s nothing more frustrating for a clinician than finding out after a treatment is not going well that there was a vital piece of information you didn’t know about!
This Unit will equip you with a greater understanding of the importance of your patient’s medical history, current health status and the impact it is having on their every day life as background information when considering their presenting concern.
In addition, is a clear understanding of the aims of your initial assessment to guide your patient toward the next step in their treatment journey.

Content includes:

  • 5 X video sessions – a total of 60 minutes of content
  • Test questions to assist your understanding and for you to receive an Achievement Certificate at the completion of the unit.
  • Unit Content

    Initial Consultation:

    • Connection & Structure
    • Communication
    • The Patient History
    • Aims of the Assessment
    • Finishing Well