Musculoskeletal Examination Principles

Elective Unit

Core Information

Have you ever considered that what really drives your patient’s desire to seek treatment is their Significant Emotional Motivator?

It may be that they love to go hiking, running or playing a particular sport and foot and leg pain is limiting their participation.

This unit on Musculoskeletal Examination Principles provides the foundation for musculoskeletal examination of the foot and lower limb, including how to effectively obtain your initial patient data through to establishing a clear pathway for diagnosis and treatment.

Content includes:

  • 4 X video sessions – a total of 60 minutes of content
  • Test questions to assist your understanding and for you to receive an Achievement Certificate at the completion of the unit.
  • Unit Content
    1. Getting to know your patient
    2. Appointment Structure
    3. The patient journey
    4. Effective Communication